Cihuitl Ramírez Sánchez


Lawyer with more than 15 years of experience in legal advice to national and multinational companies for the prevention, management and mitigation of legal risk of companies interested in investing in Mexico.


Legal advisor in various areas of law and litigation in Administrative Law, Labour Law, Social Security, Mexican Official Standards STPS, Civil Law, Commercial Law and Amparo.


Spanish and English


  • Diploma in Amparo Law (SCJN 2023).
  • Master ‘s Degree in Constitutional Procedural Law. Universidad Panamericana.
  • Specialization in Amparo Law. Universidad Panamericana (2009).
  • Law Degree UNITEC (2006)
  • Training in Labour Matters, Safety and Industrial Hygiene for various companies -automotive and food sector- (2014 – 2018).
  • Lecture on Labour Inspection and the New Legislation before the Mexican Bar Association, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. (2015).
  • Drafting of the article Comentarios a la Ley de Amparo 2013 for the Revista Práctica Fiscal, Issue 685, May 2013.


  • Issuance of the Public Policy on Minimum Storage of Petroleum Products, which was published in the Official Journal of the Federation on 12 December 2017.
  • Substitution of Refining Permits for Pemex Transformación Industrial, in accordance with new legal provisions.
  • Legal advice for a leading company in the food industry in the evaluation of acts carried out by the authority. Development of legal strategy to mitigate risks and economic impacts.
  • Development of the legal framework in relation to new businesses in light of the Energy Reform.
  • Successful implementation of preventive consultancy in various plants of the company in the field of Safety and
  • Safety and Industrial Hygiene, managing to avoid the economic impact of fines due to inspection visits by the fines due to inspection visits carried out by the authorities.
  • Consultancy services for BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FIRM and LEGAL SERVICES
  • Reduction of legal risks and costs for the firm’s clients through the execution of due diligences.