Jaqueline Piña Monroy


Jaqueline Piña Monroy



A graduate of the YMCA University School of Law, where she received her law degree, Jaqueline Piña Monroy specializes in corporate law.
Ms. Piña Monroy has several postgraduate studies, including a specialization and a master’s degree.


Piña Monroy has been dedicated to corporate consultancy, specialising in business matters. In addition, Jaqueline has developed diverse negotiation skills that allow her to advise her clients with a human and legal perspective, focusing her expertise on the resolution of conflicts between individuals and legal entities.


Spanish and English


  • Law degree. Universidad YMCA. 2017
  • Criminal Law Specialization. Universidad YMCA. 2018.
  • Master of Laws. Universidad YMCA. 2019.
  • Diploma in Amparo Trial. Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacion. 2022


As a public servant in the Secretariat of Urban Planning and Public Works of the Municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez, State of Mexico, Ms. Piña Monroy managed the reactivation of 150 files relating to various Common Administrative Procedures, obtaining the execution of various resolutions issued from 2011 to 2018.

Cristopher Osorio


Cristopher Osorio


A graduate of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Cristopher has specialised his practice in civil, commercial and administrative litigation. For this reason, he has a deep understanding of the legal framework and laws pertaining to these matters, coupled with a unique ability to provide solutions to complex legal situations.
Cristopher is also known for keeping up to date with the latest laws and regulations pertaining to the legal forum, which allows him to work more effectively and in close collaboration with his clients, in order to develop solid strategies for their benefit.


Mr. Osorio has participated in the research of contemporary legal phenomena for the elaboration of reform projects and law initiatives.


Spanish and English


  • Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Law Degree 2015 – 2019.
  • Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de Mexico. Bachelor’s Degree in SME Management and Administration. 2016 – 2023.
  • Course for applicants for the position of civil court secretary or clerk. Poder Judicial del Estado de Mexico. 2023- 2024
  • Virtual attendance at the Introduction to the study of the National Code of Civil and Family Proceedings.  Consejo de la Judicatura Federal. 2023
  • Online seminar “El levantamiento del velo corporativo de las sociedades mercantiles,
  • Evolución jurisprudencial en México”, Consejo de la Judicatura del Poder Judicial del Estado de Jalisco. 2022.


Advising on the civil lawsuit brought against a leading US company in the film industry for a film with international impact.

Cihuitl Ramírez Sánchez


Cihuitl Ramírez Sánchez


Lawyer with more than 15 years of experience in legal advice to national and multinational companies for the prevention, management and mitigation of legal risk of companies interested in investing in Mexico.


Legal advisor in various areas of law and litigation in Administrative Law, Labour Law, Social Security, Mexican Official Standards STPS, Civil Law, Commercial Law and Amparo.


Spanish and English


  • Diploma in Amparo Law (SCJN 2023).
  • Master ‘s Degree in Constitutional Procedural Law. Universidad Panamericana.
  • Specialization in Amparo Law. Universidad Panamericana (2009).
  • Law Degree UNITEC (2006)

  • Training in Labour Matters, Safety and Industrial Hygiene for various companies -automotive and food sector- (2014 – 2018).
  • Lecture on Labour Inspection and the New Legislation before the Mexican Bar Association, Colegio de Abogados, A.C. (2015).
  • Drafting of the article Comentarios a la Ley de Amparo 2013 for the Revista Práctica Fiscal, Issue 685, May 2013.


  • Issuance of the Public Policy on Minimum Storage of Petroleum Products, which was published in the Official Journal of the Federation on 12 December 2017.
  • Substitution of Refining Permits for Pemex Transformación Industrial, in accordance with new legal provisions.
  • Legal advice for a leading company in the food industry in the evaluation of acts carried out by the authority. Development of legal strategy to mitigate risks and economic impacts.
  • Development of the legal framework in relation to new businesses in light of the Energy Reform.
  • Successful implementation of preventive consultancy in various plants of the company in the field of Safety and
  • Safety and Industrial Hygiene, managing to avoid the economic impact of fines due to inspection visits by the fines due to inspection visits carried out by the authorities.
  • Consultancy services for BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FIRM and LEGAL SERVICES
  • Reduction of legal risks and costs for the firm’s clients through the execution of due diligences.

Juan Carlos Román Abrego


Juan Carlos Román Abrego


With more than 15 years of experience, Juan Carlos has extensive knowledge that has allowed him to develop a specialization in the area of Intellectual Property and Copyrights, both locally and internationally. He has also been recognized for his professional ethics, commitment to the client and his ability to solve highly complex problems.

Juan Carlos has worked closely with foreign correspondents to assist clients in different jurisdictions. In addition, he has acquired vast experience in the management of INTA’s annual agenda, control, updating and database management of applications, trademark registrations and reservations of rights.



Throughout his career, Juan Carlos has specialized in the area of Intellectual Property and Copyrights, achieving constant cases of success in conducting trademark background searches and feasibility analysis, filing trademark applications and their classification, reports on obtaining Certificates of Registration, Renewals, Declarations of Use, Change of Name, Change of Address, Assignment of Rights, attention and conservation of Industrial Property rights and Copyrights in the national territory and abroad.




English and Spanish

  • Law Degree -2010

Miguel Ángel Barragán Díaz


Miguel Ángel Barragán Díaz


Barragán Díaz is a lawyer by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. His professional activity has always been directed to Business Law and to provide solutions in all the fields involved in it, specializing in the area of Contracts, Corporate Law and Commercial Litigation.


Mr. Barragan has extensive experience in professional practice as a litigator in Corporate Law, Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property and Administrative Law.


English and Spanish

  • Law Degree. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – 2011.
  • Escuela Libre de Derecho. Diploma in Corporate Law – 2016.
  • Universidad Panamericana Master ‘s Degree in Corporate Law – 2022.

Ximena Mejía


Ximena Mejía


Ximena Mejía is a lawyer, who, since the beginning of her studies began to generate a solid experience, consolidating a great reputation due to her dedication and compliance with strict ethics. In addition, she has experience in Civil, Commercial and Family Law.


During her professional career, Ximena has focused her practice in the areas of Civil, Commercial and Family Law.


English and Spanish

  • Law Degree, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, (UNAM) – 2021.
  • Diploma: “Civil and Family Law, Oral Trials”. School of Law, UNAM – 2021.
  • Oral Argumentation and Leadership. Método & Excellentia, Academic and Business Consulting – 2019.
  • General course on: “Intellectual Property”. IMPI – 2020.
  • Online Course: “Introduction to the General Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Obligated Subjects”. Attorney General’s Office – 2022.
  • Online Course: “Effective Work Teams”. Attorney General’s Office – 2022.
  • Online Course: “Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking” .Office of the Attorney General of the Republic – 2022.

  • Ximena successfully represented the interests of a client for the restitution of his property, in the State of Queretaro, prior to trial – 2021.

Nadia Espinosa Rebollo


Nadia Espinosa Rebollo


Nadia has more than 10 years of experience in civil and commercial litigation, specializing in insurance and reinsurance matters, being a key member of the litigation team, where she has obtained important success cases.


Nadia is an excellent professional, with the ability to solve the most complex insurance and reinsurance problems. Her extensive knowledge, together with her ability to develop effective strategies, makes her a highly qualified lawyer in her area of expertise.


English and Spanish

  • Law Degree, Universidad Autónoma de México.
  • Diploma in Attachment and Judicial Auction in Civil and Commercial Matters, Centros de Estudios Carbonell – 2019.
  • Diploma in Mediation Techniques in Family Matters: Practical Workshop, Centro de Estudios Carbonell – 2019.
  • Diploma in Oral Trials, Universidad Autónoma de México – 2020.

  • Nadia is the head of the commercial litigation area, and throughout her experience she has handled more than 500 insurance and reinsurance cases, achieving successful results that translate into significant economic savings for each of her clients.

Sayra Álvarez Argote


Sayra Álvarez Argote


Sayra completed her studies at the Universidad Autónoma de México as a law graduate. She has collaborated with high-profile firms, which has given her a comprehensive approach to legal representation and positions her as a promising young lawyer.


She specializes in the operation of corporations, incorporation, organization and administration of corporate obligations, corporate restructuring and dissolution, drafting, review and analysis of contracts necessary for the proper functioning of companies, attention to clients of advertising companies and record companies.


English and Spanish

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Law from the Universidad Autónoma de México 2022.
    Anti-Bribery and Corruption Training Course: Conducting Due Diligence on HCP ́s Outside of the U.S.
  • HCP ́s Outside of the U.S – Merck Sharp & Dohme (Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world).
  • Diploma in Procedural Law – UNAM
    Diploma in the New Accusatory Criminal System (oral trials) – UNAM

Fernando Pérez Stoopen


Fernando Pérez Stoopen


A graduate of the Universidad Panamericana with a law degree, Fernando is a criminal litigation attorney. He has vast experience in the execution of oral trials. He has participated in the design and implementation of compliance and integrity policies (Criminal Compliance Program) as well as crime prevention and criminal liability programs for multiple national and foreign companies. He is also a pioneer in advising on the application of the U.S. FCPA and the British Bribery Act in our country.


He has been dedicated to litigation and consulting in criminal matters, specializing in matters related basically to the corporate area. Likewise, he has extensive experience in the fight against patrimonial, industrial and intellectual property crimes, as well as in the defense of matters related to environmental and tax matters.


English and Spanish


  • Law degree from Universidad Panamericana, 2021.
  • Course on Enforcement of Judgments given by Judge Víctor Manuel Nava Cassaruvias, 2020.
  • Diploma in Amparo Indirecto en Materia Penal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, School of Law, 2020.
  • Diploma in Amparo Proceedings against Procedural Violations in Criminal Matters, Law School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2020.
  • Diploma in Procedural Strategies in the Accusatory Criminal Procedure, Instituto de Formación Profesional y de Estudios Superiores de la Fiscalía General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México, 2020.
  • Course on Emotional Intelligence for Operators of the Accusatory System given by His Honor Dr. Ángel Aarón Cámara Atristain, Control Judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, 2021.
  • Course on the Presentation of Evidence in the Oral Trial Stage given by His Honor Mr. Alberto Tornero Arellano, Judge assigned to the First Court of Appeals in Criminal Matters of the Texcoco Region of the Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico, 2021.
  • Diploma in Indirect Protection in Criminal Matters, its problems in practice given by Dr. Baldomero Mendoza López, School of Law, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021.
  • Course on Criminal Procedure for Legal Entities and Psychology of Testimony given by His Honor Dr. Ángel Aarón Cámara Atristain,Control Judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, 2021.
  • Diploma in Claim and Payment of Damage Reparation in Mexico given by Dr. Arturo Altamirano González at Centro de Estudios y Capacitación, S.C., 2021.
  • Master’s Degree in Accusatory Criminal Procedural Justice System and Specialization in Oral Trials, both at the Instituto de Estudios y Capacitación Jurídica, A.C. at the Judicial School of the Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico. Attending.

  • Obtained the first Amparo in the history of our country declaring the unconstitutionality of the Civil Code of Mexico City, which represented an important and avant-garde historical advance in the recognition of fundamental rights of children and adolescents that did not exist before; a precedent of such legal transcendence that it even motivated several novel criteria published nationally in the Judicial Weekly of the Federation.
  • He actively participated in the first criminal trial for trade secrets in more than three decades.
  • He has successfully represented several hundreds of companies, among which are most of the consumer, pharmaceutical, automotive and chemical companies in Mexico.

  • Fernando has participated in several academic conferences in Analysis of Organized Crime given by His Honor Dr. Aarón Zeferín Hernández District Judge specialized in the Accusatory Criminal System of the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Mexico, with residence in the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez (Altiplano).
  • Analysis of Emblematic Sentences of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation given by Her Honor Dr. Marisol Castañeda Pérez Magistrate of the Collegiate Court in Administrative and Labor Matters, with residence in Querétaro; Analysis of the Probative Information in Initial Hearing given by His Honor Mtro. Daniel Urriste Ramírez Twenty Fourth Judge of the Accusatory Criminal Procedural System of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City.
  • He is the Academic Liaison Coordinator of Instituto Jurídico Atenea, S.C.

Jose Braulio Zendejas Cabrera


José Braulio Zendejas Cabrera


José Zendejas completed his law degree at the National Bar Association. Due to his analytical and strategic approach, he has excelled in providing a legal defense adhering to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

Zendejas keeps up to date with current legislation and the latest legal trends, with the clear objective of achieving favorable results for his clients, through competent legal representation, persuasive argumentation and rigorous legal research.


José Braulio specializes in civil law, amparo, insurance and bonds, and commercial law. He has worked on a wide range of matters including contracts, civil liability, property, inheritance, debt collection, and more. He is familiar with the applicable laws and regulations to provide effective legal advice and representation.


English and Spanish

  • Law Degree from the Barra Nacional de Abogados 2015.
  • Diploma in Amparo Trial by the SCJN 2021.

  • Throughout his professional career, he has represented important companies in the private sector, real estate, insurance companies, and financial institutions, achieving favorable results for his clients.