Leopoldo has worked for over 20 years primarily in the areas of consulting and litigation in Tax, Administrative and Economic Criminal matters, attending all kinds of matters related to trials before the Administrative Justice Court, Federal Judiciary and Local Contentious Courts, as well as disciplinary proceedings before the Internal Control Organs in cases of liability of public servants, always seeking the best strategy according to the interests of the represented parties, fighting resolutions of the Tax Administration Service, Mexican Institute of Social Security, INFONAVIT, Local Treasuries and Ministry of Public Function.
Within his extensive experience, Leopoldo has advised clients in the prevention of money laundering, attention to and resolution of tax reviews at the federal and state level, tax practice and estate planning. Likewise, he has handled several matters related to the defense of taxpayers, individuals and corporations, such as determinations of tax credits, constituent capitals and any sanction in the administrative field. Last but not least, he has vast experience in procedures related to the recovery of tax credits, expert opinions in accounting and financial matters and those related to the prevention of money laundering and tax fraud.
Spanish and English
- Law Degree, Public Accountant, Tax Specialist and Master’s Degree in Taxation from ISEC Business University.
- Doctorate in Business Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in agreement with the Universidad Anáhuac México.
- Diploma in Constitutional Procedural Law from the Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación.
- Expert witness in the case of the Popular Savings Banks, which created the Asset Administration and Disposal Service (SAE) and enacted the Popular Savings and Credit Law.
- Expert witness in the case of La Estafa Maestra.
- Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México, AC
- Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, AC
- Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México, AC
- Academia Mexicana de Derecho Informático, AC
- Comisión Nacional de Compliance, AC
- Asociación Nacional de Especialistas Fiscales, AC
- Comisión Fiscal de CONCANACO
- Coautor de diversas obras en materia fiscal y prevención de lavado de dinero.